Life in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
In Victoria British Columbia on the Candian West coast, Isaac plied his new trade as a butcher for the rest of his working life, employed by amongst others Lawrence Goodacre, butchers of Queen’s Market. The 1891 census for Victoria records 72 butchers and one of these was Isaac.

The text on the reverse of this photograph reads:
“Lyon’s Saloon. Cor. Queens and Chambers Sts. Standing: Ike Gandy, Mr. Clarke and Mr. Stephenson. Sitting: Joe Bates, Tommy Potter (owner)”. Signed: “E.Gandy 1902”
We have not been able to work out who E. Gandy was (not me!)
I have later discovered with the help of Glen Mofford of Victoria that Lyon’s Saloon is the Lion Brewery Tap Saloon at (116) 2302 Chambers near Cedar Hill/Bay, which opened in the 1860’s. The Lion Brewery is also mentioned in connection with Ike’s quoit exploits (see right).
Accident in Slaughterhouse
Being a butcher was not always a safe occupation. In fact Isaac almost died in an accident in the slaughterhouse, as this brief laconic cutting from the British Colonist newspaper relates:
“THE SCALDED MAN. Isaac Gandy, who fell into a vat at the slaughterhouse, will get well.”
British Colonist Oct 5 1884
If Ike had not survived his accident, then the tale of this line of the Gandy family would have come to a very abrupt end.
Great grandfather Ike also ran a smallholding somewhere in Victoria. Evidence can be found in his will, where amongst other possessions he left:
9 cows: value $270.00
2 horses: value $100.00
Farming implements: value $50.00
Other evidence of his farming is also to be found in the British Colonist of March 18th 1910 under the heading Test of Herds:
A grade C certificate was issued to Isaac Gandy for a herd of 8 cows, to certify that the herd is kept in premises in a fair sanitary condition within the meaning of the provincial regulations.
Quoits Player
In his spare time, after work and at weekends, Ike proved his prowess as a quoits player. This was a game often sponsored by local pubs and breweries. His ability as a quoits player was often reported in the British Colonist.
Lovers of the good old game of quoits were much interested in a match contested, yesterday afternoon, at the Lion Brewery grounds, Spring Ridge, between I. Gandy, Marrion and J. Stewart, resulting in a clean walkover for Mr. Gandy. The terms of the match were as follows: Gandy played Marrion 21 points, and Gandy won by 9 points. Stewart played Gandy, and Ike won again, beating by 11 points. Mr. Gandy really understands how to play quoits. Mr. Marrion plays a good game, but if he were not so excitable he would do much better. Mr. Stewart was not in his usual good form, and he much surprised his friends by being so much behind. Mr. Geo. Fairbrother, the worthy host of the Lion Brewery Tavern, who is always to the front when sports are concerned, has again come out of his shell and resuscitated a good Old Country game. Another good match is expected to take place on Saturday next.”
British Colonist Jun 21 1891

Ike also developed what was christened “candle quoiting”, using lighted candles instead of rods for playing at night.

Read more about the game of quoits and the history of quoits here.