Life After Isaac
After Isaac’s sudden death in 1904 and with his land divided between his three daughters Stella, Mollie and Emma Jean and their husbands, Harriet lived in periods with each of them. She also played an active part in the social life of the Valley, which centred on the extended family and the different farms and ranches. This is reflected in small notices, articles and other reports of all things great and small, happy and sad, in the Millard County Progress. See articles below on Harriet’s 87th birthday party etc.
A dance was given at Baker January 27 and was enjoyed by many of the Valley people. Mr. and Mrs. D.C. Robison returned to their home at Garrison from the Robison ranch, a few miles northwest of Baker, where they have been spending a few days with Mr. Robison’s brother and sister. Mrs. H. Gandy returned a few weeks ago from her daughter’s place at Gandy to Mrs. F. G. Schumacher’s where she will spend the rest of the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Robison of Gandy are spending a few weeks at Garrison.
Millard County Progress 1917-02-09
A very happy party of friends greeted Mrs. H. Gandy at the residence of Fred Schumacher at Garrison on December 2, on the 87th anniversary of her birth. A very delicious dinner was served in her honor by her daughter, Stella Schumacher. Plates were laid for the following relatives and old time friends, Mrs. Gandy occupying the place of honor at the head of the table, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schumacher as the host and hostess: Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Robison, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Robison, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Clay, Mrs. Vida Simonson, Mr. and Mrs. Osborn Christopherson and little daughter. The beautiful birthday cake was cut by Mrs. Gandy and all enjoyed helping her eat it. Dinner was followed by cards, in which Mrs. Gandy joined, and enjoyed very much. Mrs. Gandy will be remembered by many of her old friends in Fillmore, as she resided there for a number of years. Pictures were taken of the party by Mr. Smith.
Millard County Progress 1931-12-11
(Mrs E.M.Smith is Mary Ann ”Mollie” Gandy – Isaac’s and Harriet’s eldest daughter – who married Elias McLellan “Bob” Smith.)
Harriet Dies in 1937 at the Age of 94 yrs
In the 1920 census I found Hattie living with daughter Stella and her husband Fred Schumacher on their farm in Garrison. Hattie suffered a stroke, unclear when and how much she was affected by this, but after Isaac´s death circulated between her daughters.
The late Gen Richardson wrote to me in 2008 and told me how as a young girl she was employed one summer to care for Harriet, who had suffered a stroke. She lived in a rather primitive cabin at that time, with only kerosene lighting.
“Harriet Parsons Gandy passed away at the home of her daughter Mrs. Mollie Smith at 4:00 A. M. Saturday December 3rd age 94 years and one day.
She was a pioneer of the early days, crossing the plains in 1851. Her father, before moving west, was a prosperous planter in Missouri, but upon hearing of the Gold Rush in California, sold his belongings and with his wife and children began the long and tedious journey westward. They joined with Captain Sparks and his company of 150 men, women and children. The Company was raided by the Indians and many of their fine horses and oxen were stolen. On account of hardships they were forced to locate at Placerville, Calif., and there panned gold for a time.
Harriett Parsons married Isaac Gandy at Carson City, Nevada, and there two children, Mollie and Emma, were born. They later moved to Fillmore, Utah, where two more girls were born, Stella and Maud, the latter died and was buried there. The family moved to Snake Valley where Mr. Gandy located many of the old time ranches, one of which now bears his name, Gandy, Utah. There he died in 1903 (1904).
Harriet Gandy spent the remainder of her years with her daughters Stella Schumacher and Emma Robison, who preceded her in death. The last four years of her life were spent in the loving care of her only remaining daughter, Mollie. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Mollie Smith, nine grandchildren, twenty-four great–grand-children and twelve great-great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were conducted in the L.D.S. Church at Garrison, Utah, Bishop Sylvan Warner officiating.”
Millard County Progress 1938-12-09
Her death certificate (courtesy Tony Cowley) shows that she died from heart disease, arterio sclerosis, and had suffered several strokes earlier. Informant noted on Death certificate: granddaughter Lola Heckethorn, daughter of Mollie Gandy and Erastus Heckethorn.
Harriet was buried together with her Isaac in Garrison Cemetery.
See also the memorial to Harriet on “find a grave”.
The material presented here is based on transcripts of newspaper cuttings from the Utah Digital newspapers database, in particular from the Millard County Progress. This local newspaper contains a treasure of small notices, articles and other reports of all things great and small, happy and sad. One important role of these reports of birthday parties, weddings and burials was to list all the people present – a good source of information for the researcher. Searchable articles from the Millard County Progress are only available for certain periods. Fortunately there are many articles from the years 1910 – 1940.