Hannah Irene Gandy
Hannah Irene was the youngest daughter of Ike and Mary Cordelia. She married Harold Gordon Moore on September 17th 1938.

At the residence of the officiating clergyman, Rev. A. de B. Owen, on Saturday evening, Irene, youngest daughter of Mrs. Mary C. Gandy, Grant Street, and of the late Mr. Gandy, and Mr. Harold Gordon Moore, only son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Moore, 621 Cornwall Street, were united in marriage at a quiet ceremony.
Mr. George Gandy gave his sister in marriage. She was attractively gowned in a charming frock of pink chiffon, a Juliet cap of matching ribbon trimmed with flowers and carried a bouquet of pale pink carnations, mauve scabious and boucardia. Attending her was her sister, Miss Violet Gandy, in a frock of turquoise blue lace and a crownless bonnet to match, who carried a bouquet of pale pink snapdragons and cream stocks. Mr. Grenville Bothwell was best man.
After the ceremony a reception was held in the K. of C. Hall, where the young couple received their many friends in a bower of Michaelmas daisies and goldenrod. Dancing was enjoyed to the strains of a three-piece orchestra and a buffet supper was served from a table arranged with pink and white flowers and centred with the bride’s cake.
Mrs. Gandy received the guests in a gown of dark blue crepe and cut velvet and the bridegroom’s mother was in sapphire blue velvet, their corsage bouquets being pale pink carnations and rose buds.
After a honeymoon motoring in the United States, for which the bride left in a smart laurel green coat-dress with accessories in Autumn rust shade and a dark brown muskrat coat, Mr. and Mrs. Moore will return to Victoria to take up residence in the Linden Apartments.
Among the many handsome gifts was a case of Community plate and a carving set from the bride’s associates in the motor records branch of the provincial police.
Victoria Times 19 September 1938

Gordon Moore dies in 1978 and is buried in Hatley Memorial Gardens, Victoria.

Irene is also buried in Hatley Memorial Gardens, Victoria.

Gerry Moore, born 1944, is the only son of Irene and Gordon Moore. He married Sandra Rose Miners in 1971. They live in Victoria.